Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability is a strategic, intrinsically motivated priority at Metall Zug and an integral part of the company's strategy. Together with the Business Units, Metall Zug is intensively addressing the issue of reducing the burden on people, society and the environment. In doing so, it sets high standards in terms of resilient energy supply, durable and resource-efficient products, environmentally friendly and material-efficient production, responsible procurement and logistics, and its role as a committed employer making a local contribution. The four focus topics Climate & Resources, Employees, Products & Services, and Society & Value Creation bring structure to the ambitious sustainability strategy of Metall Zug.

Climate and resources

A key element of the sustainability strategy of Metall Zug is the reduction of CO2 emissions. The group pursues a realistic and independent approach with a focus on reducing the impact on the climate and a clearly defined CO2 reduction path. The resources used should be utilized efficiently. To support this initiative, CO2 emissions at Metall Zug have a price, which is paid through the internal CO2 levy for the benefit of the Greenhouse Gas Fund. In this way, innovative and effective projects are supported that promote system-relevant CO2 and resource reduction measures.



The people in our companies are fundamental to our success. For this reason, Metall Zug is committed to developing and securing its own management and skilled workers in the long-term. Main activities include intensified promotion and succession planning, considering equality, and strengthening a leadership culture that puts people and employee satisfaction in the center. The annual, group-wide Metall Zug Leadership Training supports this. Fundamental to a functioning organization are health and safety, as well as diversity and equal opportunities of employees. These aspects are also addressed through preventive measures.

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Products & Services

The products of the Metall Zug Group stand for quality, durability, and reparability. Circularity should become a key principle in the business model of the operational business units. Already today, devices achieve a lifespan of more than 10 years, and in the case of Haag-Streit slit lamps, up to 30 years or more, thanks to their robustness, efficient spare parts supply, good care, and maintenance. Metall Zug Group aims to further expand its pioneering role in this area.

With a focus on the circular economy, the life cycle of products and their components is to be further extended through targeted and innovative projects in order to preserve natural resources. In this regard, circular business models are being developed. The option of offering refurbished equipment and rental models also provides the opportunity to supply high-quality products to more price-sensitive markets. The ecological footprint of products and services should be further minimized by applying a 'reduction by design' approach.

At Tech Cluster Zug, buildings are planned with circularity taken into account. These considerations also include reducing the amount of concrete needed, as in the innovative ceiling constructions of the CreaTower I project or the supporting structure of the Pi timber high-rise. In addition, all workflows are regularly reviewed in terms of material consumption and the use of potentially environmentally hazardous substances.

The respect for and protection of human rights is an important corporate responsibility for the Metall Zug Group, not only in its own business activities but also in the procurement of goods and services. For this reason, the Metall Zug Group introduced a code of conduct for suppliers on January 1, 2023.


Society & Value Creation

The guiding principle “A success is only a success if it is achieved by fair and honest means” complements the Code of Conduct and the company's own understanding of corporate governance in line with the fundamental values of the Metall Zug Group: sustainable and long-term value creation, excellence and integrity in all business activities. For Metall Zug, regional and social contribution is just as important as economic performance. Metall Zug believes in Switzerland as a production site and particularly in Zug, therefore investing significant resources in the development of the Tech Cluster Zug, in order to attract further manufacturers to the site and create affordable housing. The objectives are to ensure the integrity of business operations, to create and maintain local structures and jobs, and to develop the site in a high-quality manner.