
Focus Areas, Material Topics, Targets and KPIs

Within the framework of its four defined strategic focus topics, Metall Zug considers ten specific topics to be material, and sets quantitative targets where sensible and possible. The table below shows the defined topics and associated targets:

Focus Topics   
Climate & ResourcesEmployees

Products & Services


Society & Value Creation
Material Topics   

Energy efficiency & greenhouse gas emissions


Resource efficiency

Employee motivation and development


Occupational health and safety


Diversity and equal opportunities

Safe, high-quality products & services

Innovative and resource-efficient products & services


Responsible procurement

Corporate Governance

Social engagement and regional contribution

Targets and Initiatives   

Metall Zug will achieve the goal of “net zero” emissions in Scope 1 and 2 with its own efforts and effective, good-quality reduction certificates by 2050.


Increase awareness by taking account of the “climate cost”: CO₂ emissions are allocated a price at Metall Zug.


The levy in the Greenhouse Gas Fund is used for innovative and effective projects to avoid greenhouse gas emissions.


Support for systemic approaches for a transformation towards a climate-friendly economy under consideration of different compensation methods.

Place people at the center of the company


Developing own managers and skilled workers


Increasing and maintaining employee satisfaction


Fewer occupational accidents


Promoting equality

Maintain durability and repairability of products, expand circularity


Utilize multi-use & renewable packaging materials


Achieve effective improvements in the supply chain

Create a range of affordable housing


Protect the company’s integrity


Create and retain local jobs


Contribute to quality location development


Strong commitment to Zug as a location and Switzerland as a place for manufacturing


Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from heating and operating power, vehicles, and business air travel

The share of renewable heating and operating energy will be increased


Proportion of apprentices/trainees: >5%


Investment in training and continuing professional development: >1% of gross payroll


Leadership positions filled with internal employees: >40%


Increase employee satisfaction


Reduce the number of occupational accidents and days of absence


The gender ratio in management positions corresponds to the average gender ratio in management positions in the most important Swiss companies

Implement lifecycle analyses for top sellers

Increase share of service and retrofit activities

Packaging material >90% from renewable materials

Employees attend annual training sessions on the Code of Conduct and cyber security


Creation of jobs at sites with development potential

CO2 reduction path

The Metall Zug Group’s sustainability strategy was used to define quantitative goals that are comparable with the Swiss climate goals. 2022 was chosen as the base year at the Metall Zug Group for reasons of data availability and quality.

In Phase 1 (2022–2030), investments will be made in alternative energy concepts and resource-saving processes at our own sites as well as in our own service fleet. This includes installing photovoltaic systems, and part of our service fleet is to be electrified. The measures implemented to date are having a positive effect, as we have already been able to reduce our CO2 emissions by 20% in the past two years. In Phase 2 (2030–2040), the purchase of renewable electricity will be extended to more sites, additional building measures – such as efficient HVAC systems – will be implemented, and the electrification of the service fleet will continue. In Phase 3 (2040– 2050), the aim is for every site to be supplied with renewable electricity. At sites that still rely on natural gas, biogas or climate-neutral synthetic gas should be used. Further measures are being continuously evaluated based on technological progress. The goal for Phases 1–3 up to 2050 is to reduce emissions by 90% in comparison with the base year of 2022. Phase 4 will begin as of 2050. From this point on, a maximum of 10% of the remaining CO2 emissions are to be offset by high-quality CO2 certificates based on absorption and innovative carbon capture technologies.

Phase 1
  • Investments in our sites:

    • Photovoltaic systems at our own sites for green electricity production

    • Investments in more efficient, resource-saving production processes

  • Use a more fuel-efficient service fleet (electrify)

  • Purchase of renewable electricity at additional sites

Phase 2
  • Develop a more fuel-efficient service fleet

  • Expand the purchase of renewable electricity to additional sites

  • Further measures at (own) properties (e.g., HVAC systems)

Phase 3
  • Purchase of renewable electricity at all sites

  • Use of 100% biogas at sites


Phase 4

Maximum 10% high-quality CO₂ absorption certificates and use of new carbon capture technologies

Metall Zug is aware that a significant proportion of emissions arise in the upstream and downstream supply chains. The company is therefore planning to gradually build up a database in future that will record other Scope 3 emissions in addition to business flights and to report on it. As soon as we have enough good-quality data with regard to Scope 3 emissions, Metall Zug will also create a reduction path for Scope 3 emissions.